
We welcome in residence people who develop projects related to the annual theme or at least to possible futures. Through the emergence of new narratives and representations, our objective is both to work on our imaginations and to find concrete solutions for tomorrow.

Annual theme

New ways of inhabiting the world

New ways of inhabiting the world, the theme chosen for 2023/2024, invites us to take an interest in our ways of living, collectively and individually, and to work on our ideals in light of the issues imposed by contemporary changes.

It means questioning our relationship with reality, asking ourselves in what world we are going to live, where and how, while apprehending the changes underway. It also means projecting ourselves into 20 or 30 years, thinking particularly about the rural world, the way in which space is developed, the way in which our habitat is conceived, and our relationship with information, all of which form our perception of the world.

Our residences

The terms and conditions of access to the residencies are detailed in the PDF downloadable on this page.

Open residencies


Residencies accessible to people already engaged in research on possible futures and specifically on the annual theme. All disciplines within the limits of our capacity. Maximum duration of 2 months and minimum of 2 weeks.



The residency lasts 3 weeks including a week of presentation (free form) and consists of working with people from different disciplines around the same theme chosen annually.

Film and audiovisual


Writing and editing residencies, documentary projects, and small-scale fiction. Beginners are welcome. The duration is to be defined according to needs (up to 10 to 12 weeks).

Student residencies


In partnership with higher education institutions, these residencies welcome students from all disciplines in connection with the annual theme. Duration to be defined according to needs (maximum 2 months).