Presentation of the members of the board of directors

The office

Arnaud Le Guay


Arnaud has a long-standing commitment to the arts (music) and to culture. A lawyer in Périgueux, he was Mayor of Excideuil from 1995 to 2008 and has made culture the main focus of the actions that the Commune has carried out during his mandates (music, theater, heritage, plastic arts, etc.). He was deputy mayor in charge of culture for the City of Périgueux from 2008 to 2014. He is also President of the Association of Friends of Music and Opera which organizes every year, since 2017, a Week of Lyric Art in Excideuil.

Ulrich Hahn-Woernle


With a doctorate in law and a master's degree in international taxation, Ulrich was a lawyer at the bar of Stuttgart, tax consultant and mediator, specializing in the consolidation of international companies. Prior to that, he worked for 15 years in the machine tool industry, including 10 years as a member of the board of directors of Müller-Weingarten. As a child he wanted to be a doctor. With the huge renovation of the Villa les Roses, he saves the house from abandonment and reconnects with his vocation. Since 2011, he lives part of the year in Dordogne, enthusiastic about the local rural and cultural life.

Jean-Pierre Le Meur


A native of Périgord, Jean-Pierre has been the director of a school in Périgueux, a teacher, headmaster and trainer at the Institut National Supérieur de Promotion de l'Enseignement Catholique. He has also been in charge of the recruitment and training of private primary school principals under contract with the State.

Angelika Hahn-Woernle

assistant secretary

Angelika holds a doctorate in science and technology from the Polytechnic of Zürich, in food engineering. After 15 years in the meat industry, she worked 10 years for the Red Cross. Today, she is the manager of several small real estate companies. Since 2001, Angelika spends part of the year in Dordogne, near Excideuil. She has been involved in the renovation of Villa les Roses since 2016.

The members

Chantal Achilli

engineering, cultural expertise and artistic consulting

Former artistic and general director of the Odyssée, a conventional stage of national interest in Périgueux, Chantal also directed the international festival Mimos, one of the most important festivals of mime and gesture in Europe, for 20 years. She has spent her entire career in cultural affairs, and has also managed a departmental structure for live performance. Today, she directs her activity towards the transmission of competences in the field of artistic direction, expertise and cultural advice to territorial communities. She advises a theater company, approved by the Ministry of Culture, based in the Dordogne and is more specifically in charge of the development of its creative space. She is the administrator of several cultural associations in the Dordogne, including Ciné Cinéma (an association for the Art et Essai cinema in Périgueux).

Romain Bondonneau

professor, author and editor

Professor of history-geography, history of art and cinema, Romain has made his native territory, the Dordogne, an object of a thousand curiosities. He is at the origin of the creation of Editions du Ruisseau, which publishes several collections, centered in particular around the heritage of the Périgord, literature and photography. He co-wrote a feature documentary on agro-ecology, Souviens-toi de ton futur (2017), with Enora Boutin.

Stéphanie Fontugne-Fouche

business leader and independent director

After training in Management and Finance at Paris-Dauphine, Stéphanie completed her academic career with training in new technologies and at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the management of intelligent cities and urban infrastructures. She worked for the Transports publics genevois (TPG), became the general manager of the Swiss public transport company and contributed to the creation and development of the Transports publics de l'agglomération d'Annemasse. Passionate about entrepreneurship, new technologies and innovation, she created in 2016 a consulting firm, Boostpartners, which supports Swiss SMEs and scale-ups. In 2006, Stéphanie was named one of the "100 personalities who make the French-speaking Switzerland" by the Forum des 100.

Reiner Graner

lawyer at the bar of Stuttgart

Reiner Graner is a German lawyer. He is the founder and senior partner of the law firm DS GRANER & Partner mbB Rechtsanwälte Avocats, a member of the DS Group, Paris. Over the years, while the firm has specialized in Franco-German legal relations, Reiner and his team have been able to develop a broad international client base. As a Francophile and Francophone, his affinity with France has only intensified throughout his career. His firm is also the consulting office of the French Consulate General in Stuttgart. His ties with the Périgord and more particularly with the Dordogne began to be forged some fifty years ago following his marriage to Françoise de Lasageas whose family has owned a house in Anlhiac near Excideuil for centuries. These ties have never been severed and Reiner Graner still spends several months a year in the Dordogne. He takes care to transmit the culture to his children and grandchildren. The project of the Villa les Roses is part of it.

Sandrine Kirschenbilder


Sandrine Kirschenbilder is a lawyer. She studied in Reims and Cologne. She works for the DS Avocats Group and in particular for DS GRANER & Partner mbB Rechtsanwälte Avocats in Stuttgart. In her capacity as French desk in the DS office in Germany, she manages the French-German legal department and is responsible for the French-Chinese Department. Since 2021, she is a French Foreign Trade Advisor. She is a member of several associations and in particular a member of the board of the non-denominational association ProFamilia Stuttgart, family planning and social aid. Sandrine Kirschenbilder discovered the Dordogne and Excideuil about 20 years ago through friends who live there, including Ulrich and Angelika Hahn-Woernle, and spends about ten weeks a year there. She is since the beginning part of the exchanges relative to the project of residence in Excideuil and to the development of the association born from the Villa les Roses.

Alain Monteil

cultural development and artistic cooperation advisor

A native of the Dordogne and an Anglicist by training (Bordeaux 3), Alain has 30 years of cultural and artistic responsibilities in the central administration in Paris and in the network of French embassies abroad. He has been cultural attaché and director of French institutes in Australia, Indonesia, Israel, Egypt, Madagascar, as well as director of the department "Afrique en Créations" of CulturesFrance. Today, he has moved back to the Dordogne and is president of the Compagnie L'Oubliée de Raphaëlle Boitel, president of the Festival Ôrizons / Rencontres des Arts et Cultures du Proche-Orient, treasurer of the Festival des Francophonies en Limousin and administrator in the board of directors of the Agora /Pôle National Cirque de Boulazac.

Muriel Rondel

general director of services of the commune of Excideuil

Muriel Rondel was born in Excideuil at a time when one could be born in all the cantons of France. She is active in several cultural associations and is a lover of theater, music and opera. She is the general manager of the services of the Commune of Excideuil since 2010. She has a good knowledge of the functioning of local authorities, the State administration and the local fabric.

Alain Stern

author, screenwriter and actor

after having been a cook for several years, Alain changed professional direction. Actor in television, cinema and theater, he has also started a career as a playwright. He wrote Pâte Feuilletée, which won the Beaumarchais Foundation prize. He has also written for television and was elected to the board of directors of the Guilde française des scénaristes, then as Fiction administrator of the SACD (society of composers and dramatic authors). Married to a woman from Périgord, he lives most of the year in Excideuil.